Arrow Heart Publishing has four divisions: books, blogs, data, and news.
Arrow Heart Publishing will publish and promote your fiction or nonfiction book. If you have self-published or published through another publisher, we will consider promoting your book to our database.
Arrow Heart Publishing owns and partners with blogs on various topics. We can provide IT and/or monetization.
Arrow Heart Publishing has a database of approximately 117 million US residents and 117 data points to target.
Arrow Heart Publishing's news division is US City Pulse.
US City Pulse offers the following services:
Press Releases
US City Pulse will republish your press release, distribute it across our network of news sites, and share it through the AP. We allow links that will be published as do follow linkbacks to your site. The cost of these services ranges from free to $1,000. For more information, email
US City Pulse will set up an interview and write and publish a unique article for you. These articles are on high-domain sites and provide do-follow links to your site. The cost of these services ranges from free to $1,000. For more information, email
US City Pulse has a database of approximately 117 million US residents and 117 data points to target. Let us know who your audience is, and we will put your ads in front of the perfect audience in our publications and social media sites. For more information, email